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Animal Testing Cruel Unreliable And Dangerous

Animal Testing: Cruel, Unreliable, and Dangerous

Harmful Experiments on Animals

Animal experiments are not only cruel, but also unreliable and even dangerous. The promise of clinical efficacy through animal testing is dangerous. In fact, the use of nonpredictive animal experiments can cause human suffering in at least two ways.

Cruel and Unreliable

Animal experiments are inherently cruel, causing immense pain and distress to the animals involved. Furthermore, animal experiments are often unreliable, as they do not accurately predict human responses to drugs or treatments.

Human Suffering

The harmful use of animals in experiments not only causes suffering to the animals themselves but can also lead to human suffering. This is because animal experiments can delay the development of effective treatments for human diseases and can even lead to dangerous side effects.

Moving Away from Animal Testing

Recently, some organizations have begun to move away from requiring the testing of potentially harmful chemicals on animals. This is a positive step towards reducing and eventually ending harmful animal experiments.
